Select Your Member Type
ARAV memberships are on a calendar year, January 1 to December 31.
Members joining AFTER November 1 will be granted access to the website but will not be given journal access until the following year.


Active Veterinarian - any interested veterinarian. This member type shall enjoy all rights and privileges of the Association, including participation in meetings, voting and holding office, access to the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, the annual conference proceedings, the Membership Directory, and listing in the Find-A-Vet directory. 
Dues: $155 online only JHMS access / $285 print & online JHMS Access per calendar year.

Associateany non-veterinary professional interested in the field of reptilian and amphibian medicine and surgery. An Associate member enjoys all of the rights and privileges of an active member, but may not hold the office of President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer. Associate members receive access to the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, the annual conference proceedings, and the Membership Directory. 
Dues: $155 online only JHMS access / $285 print & online JHMS Access per calendar year.

Credentialed Technician - any person working as a credentialed veterinary technician interested in the field of reptilian and amphibian medicine and surgery. A veterinary technician member enjoys all of the rights and privileges of an active member, including access to the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, the annual conference proceedings, the Membership Directory, except listing in the Find-A-Vet directory, and may not hold the office of President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer. 

Dues: $45 online only JHMS access / $220 print & online JHMS Access per calendar year

Veterinary Paraprofessional/Non Credentialed Technician - any person working as a non-credentialed veterinary technician, veterinary assistant, or veterinary nurse interested in the field of reptilian and amphibian medicine and surgery. A veterinary technician member enjoys all of the rights and privileges of an active member, including access to the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, the annual conference proceedings, the Membership Directory, except listing in the Find-A-Vet directory, and may not hold the office of President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer. 

Dues: $45 online only JHMS access / $220 print & online JHMS Access per calendar year

New Graduate - any interested veterinarian who graduated veterinary school in the year prior to the current year, or during the current year if not already a student member. This member type shall enjoy all rights and privileges of the Association, including participation in meetings, voting and holding office, access to the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, the annual conference proceedings, the Membership Directory, and listing in the Find-A-Vet directory. 

Dues: $80 online only JHMS access / $210 print & online JHMS Access per calendar year

Retired -  a previously Active or Associate member who is no longer actively engaged in practice on a full- or part-time basis. Retired members shall enjoy all membership privileges, including access to the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, the annual conference proceedings, and the Membership Directory except the right to hold elected office.
Dues: $80 online only JHMS access per calendar year

Student (Veterinarian/Technician) - A Student member is any person enrolled full-time in a college setting, including interns, residents, graduate students, and veterinary technician students who are interested in reptilian and amphibian medicine and surgery. A Student member enjoys all of the rights and privileges of an active member including access to the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, the annual conference proceedings, the Membership Directory, except listing in the Find-A-Vet directory, but may not hold the office of President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer. 

Dues: $40 online only JHMS access / $170 print & online JHMS Access per calendar year

For information on Student Chapter formation or Subscriptions please contact us at


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